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The book that's never upside down, even when business is

In our entirely biased opinion, this book doesn’t get the love and attention it deserves. Maybe because we didn’t give it an UN name, perhaps because we insisted on it having two covers, who knows why - what we do know is that we owe it some love.

One side of the book, the Awesome side, is filled with best-practice stories and lessons for all you “glass is half full folks.” There’s an Awesome Hall-of-Fame and case studies across all industries, of what we all should be doing in business - from marketing and branding to the nuts and bolts of customer service and human resources.

The other side, of course, is a little bit different. The train wrecks you can’t look away from, the viral you wish you could squeeze back into the content tube, the worst in business are all here for you to learn “what not to do.” And don’t worry, there’s an UnAwesome Hall-of-Fame too. (and yes, there were so many horrible airline stories they got their own chapter).

If you decide to get this book, you’re really buying two - one for before you’ve had your coffee and one for after :)

Fun Fact: The Book of Business Un(Awesome) has two front covers and won an award for cover design. The design also meant that there wasn’t space for testimonials anywhere. This was extra fitting for us because all the testimonials on our books are fake!