A Word (or two) on Success

Like many of the companies we research, success has been a victim of innovation.

As individuals we are faced with countless versions of it and we need to remember to decide for ourselves how success will be measured and experienced. Financial success to us, means a home we are proud of, the ability to provide safety, comfort and opportunities for those we love. For you, it may mean being able to quit your current job to pursue a dream, attend college, independently feed and clothe your family or buy the car you’ve always wanted (or buy any car for that matter).

Business success for us means maintaining the status quo - a life where we get to do the things we dreamed of doing, where Scott gets to teach on screens (and hopefully again one day soon, on stages) and we can have people like you read (and hopefully enjoy) our work. For you business success may be seeing your product in a store, reaching the Fortune 500, partnering with people you respect or getting that raise you’ve been hoping for.

As we caution you about chasing the “next big thing” in business and in digital, we also caution about chasing other people’s ideals of success. We’re here to tell you that you don’t need to be working toward someone else’s definition of the next big achievement.

It’s okay to answer the question of “what’s next for you?” with “I’m going to keep enjoying what I have now.”